- Inclusion of sponsor logo on event participant sailing shirts (plus 10 shirts to the sponsor)
- Signature sponsor of Regatta Awards Dinner, including table (10 tickets) and speaking opportunity
- Distribution of promotional items (provided by the sponsor)
- Display sponsor banner downstairs facing racing preparation area
- Recognition of sponsorship on CGSCIC Website, Facebook and Instagram
- Recognition of sponsorship on posters, fliers and the weekly CGSC newsletter email
- Inclusion of sponsor logo on event participant sailing shirts (plus 5 shirts to the sponsor)
- Signature sponsor of Day 1 or Day 2 Captain’s Lunch
- 5 tickets to Regatta Awards Dinner
- Distribution of promotional items (provided by the sponsor)
- Display sponsor banner on second floor railing overlooking racing preparation area
- Recognition of sponsorship on CGSCIC Website, Facebook and Instagram
- Recognition of sponsorship on posters, fliers and the weekly CGSC newsletter email
- Inclusion of sponsor logo on event participant sailing shirts (plus 5 shirts to the sponsor)
- Signature sponsor of Day 1 and Day 2 Skipper Breakfast
- 2 tickets to Regatta Awards Dinner
- Distribution of promotional items (provided by the sponsor)
- Recognition of sponsorship on CGSCIC Website, Facebook and Instagram
- Recognition of sponsorship on posters, fliers and the weekly CGSC newsletter email
- Distribution of promotional items (provided by the sponsor)
- 1 ticket to Regatta Awards Dinner
- Recognition of sponsorship on CGSCIC Website, Facebook and Instagram
- Recognition of sponsorship on posters, fliers and the weekly CGSC newsletter email
- Donate an item to our exciting raffle for kids and adults participating in the regatta
- Raffle donations valued at sponsorship levels will receive sponsorship benefits

For more information about our Halloween Howler Regatta, please contact Elizabeth Del Rio Henrich.
She can be reached at howler@cgsc.org
For general Sponsorship opportunities for the Instructional Center, please contact Lauren Simpson.
She can be reached at manager@cgsc.org
Logo on one hull of Opti sail boat or coach boat
- $2000 exclusive sponsorship per year
- $750 exclusive sponsorship per season
Logo on one sail of laser or Opti sail boat
- $3000 exclusive sponsorship per year
- $1000 exclusive sponsorship per season
These funds will be put toward covering a sailor’s expenses i.e. gear, travel, accommodations, regatta fees, etc.
- $5000 exclusive sponsorship per year for national competitor
- $10000 exclusive sponsorship per season for international competitor

All profits and donations are allocated to the Youth Sailing Instructional Program, the Adult Sailing Instructional Program, the CGSCIC Sailing Scholarship program, Summer Camp, the development and maintenance of our fleets and the development and maintenance of our coaches and safety boats. The CGSC has been a community club since 1946 and has a current membership of approximately 1100.
Make Checks Payable to: CGSCIC Inc.
Mail to:
CGSCIC Halloween Howler
2990 S. Bayshore Drive
Coconut Grove, FL 33133
COCONUT GROVE SAILING CLUB INSTRUCTIONAL CENTER is an IRS approved 501 (c)3 non-profit organization and donations to CGSCIC are often tax deductible. IRS guidelines for charitable organizations are available on IRS Publication 526 or by calling toll free (800) 829-1040. Please consult your tax adviser.