The object and purpose of this organization, CGSCIC, organized as a non-profit corporation is to support the sport of sailing and encourage sailing instruction at all levels. Additional goals are to help encourage new sailors, to help sustain Coconut Grove’s sailing tradition and to provide sailing lessons and instructional opportunities for people of all ages.
In order to meet our mission and provide services in our community, we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of community-minded individuals, just like you, we wouldn’t be able to serve our community each year.
In 1946, the Coconut Grove Sailing Club was started by a group of Miami residents based on a shared love for sailing, a passion for Biscayne Bay, and a spirit of volunteerism in providing community service. The founding members formed the club to provide a safe venue to teach children to sail and to run sailboat regattas for the community. The original CGSC had no club house, merely a storage shack. There were no moorings; sailors simply anchored out in the basin. .
As of today, the CGSC has expanded into a fully operational mooring field and is world-renowned for its eclectic sailing programs. Thousands have learned to sail at CGSC, and if you’re just dipping your big toe into the friendly waters of Biscayne Bay, you couldn’t find a better place.